We've all heard the diatribe about what parenthood is. It is sleepless nights, crying babies, putting yourself last, changing diapers, cleaning up messes, trips to the emergency room and I don’t know how many other negative descriptors I've heard. We've all heard them. It’s expensive, messy, and stressful on every front. That’s probably true. But you know what else everyone says? It’s worth it. Those last three words are often overlooked, but they are the most important part. Just think about that for a moment. It’s worth it. Parenthood must be amazing if it’s worth all of that.
For most of my life my dream has been to be a parent. A father, when people asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I would say a loving husband and a caring father. My biggest goal in life is to make enough money to buy a house and support a stay at home mom for our children. Well I've got a wonderful wife, I've got a beautiful home, but the children are missing. I long to teach them. To watch them grow.
As my wife and I continue to go through the adoption process, everyday it seems we come across another challenge, another hoop to jump through, another thing we need to get. The stress doesn't wait until you have the baby, it starts when you decide to think about having the baby. We've modified those three words up above to create our mantra to keep us going. Our Mantra is “It will be worth it.” Whenever we come across another struggle, emotional, or financial, or another task we need to complete or schedule or another thing we need to buy. We set ourselves to doing it and silently in our minds repeat “It will be worth it.”Daniel