January 14, 2014

Daniel and I were married in San Antonio on May 19, 2012. We are wanting to start a family but due to medical reasons we are not able to conceive. We are hoping that through this blog and with the help of family and friends we will be able to find a child of our own through adoption. Here is a little about us. 

About Daniel: 

Daniel grew up in South Utah as the tenth child in a family of eleven. Yes you read that right - ELEVEN! Growing up in that household was never dull! Daniel learned from an early age by watching his parents what hard work and determination could do.  As a child he sold Popsicles to the neighbor kids at over a 300% profit and as an adult he works in IT. 
Ever since he was a teenager Daniel has looked forward to being a husband and a father, because of the immense respect for his own father it's always been his biggest dream. Well other people dreamed of getting rich, playing sports, or becoming famous, Daniel dreamed of being a Dad, a stalwart head of the household.

About Moriah: 

I am the oldest of 5 girls. I grew up all over California and moved every few years due to my fathers job. I was raised in a very loving, giving, and close family. Thankfully we are all still close in an emotional and physical sense. All but one sister (and brother-in-law) live here is San Antonio and my parents live just 40 minutes away. We are blessed to be able to get together with family almost every week. 
I am currently a stay at home wife. Thanks to all that my loving and wonderful husband does for us, I am able to stay at home and do what I love best. I spend my days cooking, quilting and crafting. It is through the money that I earn doing those things that we hope to be able to save enough for an adoption soon! 

About Us:

We had a whirl wind of a beginning that we wouldn't trade for the world! From when we met to when we were married it was only 3 1/2 months. We fell in love fast and we fell in love hard. 
We met in Salt Lake City when I moved there to attend LDSBC for their Interior Design program. Daniel was living in Bountiful working IT for Wells Fargo. We met online in what had to be fate. I had less then one week left on my online dating subscription and he had just signed up the night before. We talked for hours that first night and met in person two days later. We have been together ever since! 
We started our life together here in San Antonio after we got married. We both felt that this is where we needed to be so we packed up what could fit in our car and drove down. Daniel got a much better job during the drive from Utah and I got one the day before we left. We were blessed! It strengthened our faith that if we do what the Lord asked us to do then he will provide a way. 
We were fortunate enough to be able to buy our first home in April on 2013. We got our fixer-upper and have been working hard to get it ready and turn it into a home. Now that we are finished we never want to leave! We love our house, we love our community and we love our church family!

Why we want to adopt:

As an 11 year old I had the opportunity to be their for my youngest sisters birth. As I was in the room trying not to pass out I vowed I would adopt because I didn't have a high enough pain tolerance! :) It took me a year or five to recover. 
In 2006 I learned that I had Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Due to cysts that have formed I am not able to ovulate on my own. I have seen multiple doctors and have tried every treatment that they know of and we have not been able to get it under control. Unfortunately the longer it goes untreated, the less of a chance there is of getting pregnant. After a few false uterine cancer scares, I was told that even if I did manage to ovulate there was still a very slim chance that I would be able to stay pregnant long enough to deliver a healthy baby. I was devastated. All growing up the thing I wanted most was to be a Mommy. I wasn't going to be able to have that chance.
When Daniel and I discussed this as we were getting married we decided that we were not going to let it get us down. Through adoption we are able to have that chance. We pray that we will have an opportunity to welcome a little baby into our family as our own - a child that we can raise and love. 

This blog is a way that we can share our story with others. A way to get the word out to birth parents. We hope and pray that God will let us raise a child, and that as a mother chooses adoption for her baby that we can be considered to raise that child to its full potential. 

We know that adoption is not easy for either party. We will be praying for you (the future mother of our baby). May you be blessed with strength, courage, love and support. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get the opportunity soon. You'd be great parents! :)
